Friday, August 26, 2022

Hoplimania 2a: RULES - "Tearless Hoplite Battles"

"The arbitration team has arrived to discuss our territorial boundaries..."
by the obviously talented Karl Kapinsky, from here:

Tearless Hoplite Battles was published in Slingshot 251 by Mike Tittensor, a game designer lurking in his mountain stronghold somewhere in central Europe, who is rumored to be a direct descendant of Vlad the Endgamer... but rumor abounds. I heard about them from that analyzer of wargames, Dale Hurtt [CLICK], who always seems to have something intelligent to say about game designs - so of course I set out to find the rules immediately.

I was able to track Mike down with the help of a few former Neil Thomas operatives recently returned from his stronghold in Nottingham woods - it's amazing what a few pints will do to loosen the tongue! Despite being busy with other gaming tasks and analyzing pork cuisine in the Czech Republic, Mike graciously found time to have a clandestine courier drop them off into my inbox.

A quick read and I knew I wanted to give them a go. They use a grid, are very period specific to the era of the Greek hoplite, 7th-5th centuries BC, and have mechanics to restrict players options to traditional hoplite warfare. They are also fraught with narrative and feel and flavor. And I like having historical limitations and flavor!  

EDIT: Mike himself sent a winged-footed courier [in what appeared to be a ballet outfit] bearing a message that said:

"The rules are designed to reflect how to get a long line of potters, bakers, masons and wine merchants to advance in a straight line through the dusty plains of Greece when your C3 infrastructure consists of a bloke with a loud voice and a kid with some pan pipes. 

Men love war…but they love talking about it over a crater of wine a lot more. This is a set of rules for those battles."

So...let's get out onto the plains of Greece!

The game is logically arranged by phases: 
Battle [repeated], and, 
The Battle Phase is the repeating Game Turn in which the hoplites maneuver and fight.

I didn't have a 40mm grid ready to go for my partially completed DBA hoplite armies, so used an unmarked grid, which worked fine. With 7 hoplite units a side and some spaces on the flanks, there were 13 columns by 15 rows for the grid. 
I then: 
  • determined the hoplites quality and bravery, 
  • set up the battle line, 
  • chose a tactic [offense or defense], and finally, 
  • determined any attempt by a phalanx to overlap the other. 
As the two phalanxes were the same size, and it was the first play, I kept them straight on at each other - simple! Not having any specific forces, I will just call them Corinthians [top] and Thebans [bottom].

I then began the Approach with missile attacks. Lights are abstracted into missile attacks that occur once a turn so players can concentrate on the hoplites. Still, I had some bases, so I tossed them out there to mark what columns the lights would attack - I randomly rolled these since I had no idea what to do!  I ended up disordering two Corinthian Veteran hoplite Units and the same two on the Thebans [red pipe cleaners]. 
Note that the Veterans on both sides are on the right, the position of honor. Both sides had two Veterans on the right, three Average next, and on their left two Novice hoplite units.

Next, the actual approach was made. These are rolled with a d6 and modified, and then the Unit moves forward that many spaces. This gives a large spread of outcomes, so the hoplite phalanx is quite scattered as can be seen below.
Part of the design's challenge is for players to order their lines as best as possible before contact. This is complicated by mandatory forward movement combined with limited ability to add or slow movement.

The cards provide buffs and bonus opportunities. In this case, the Corinthians played the Queen of Diamonds which allowed them to advance a lagging veteran hoplite. The Thebans played the Jack and Queen of Hearts, allowing them to advance one unit and re-roll the bravery of another.

Finally, the battle phase occurred, with all Units advancing one space, then some missile shooting resulting in another Disordered Corinthian [white six].
Finally both sides attempted to rally one unit that was in disorder, and rolling 1's they failed.

For Turn 2, the Battle phase brought no one into melee, but I succeeded in rallying one Corinthian from Disorder, and reigning in one Disordered Veteran Theban Unit.
Clearly, the Thebans have managed to get their phalanx in better order, with two main blocks and one well ahead and one lagging behind.

Turn 3 saw the two sides get into strike range, so the success of two Units removing their Disorder was welcomed. 

Turn 4 saw two opposing units both about to enter the same space - as movement is simultaneous, they had to dice off...
...and the Thebans took the space first.
In this specific instance, it resulted in the Corinthian halting a space early and getting supported by three other units - the alternative was to advance alone, so this was optimal outcome for the Corinthians!
Additionally, the Corinthians placed a card that pushed back a Theban in Disorder. 

Overall, the Corinthians have managed their left better than the Thebans their right.

Combat was then fought out, with the Thebans breaking one Corinthian and advancing, despite being overlapped on one side. Another Theban to the left pushed back it's opponent, Shaken. 
Combat is a simple d6 roll-off with a few modifiers, and comparing the totals for four results: tie, win by 1, 2-3, or 4. A tie is a push with a chance at being disorganized, a 4 breaks the loser who is removed, and the intermediate results are push backs with morale issues.

The Thebans finish a strong turn by playing a card that disordered a Corinthian. 
Having lost a Unit, the Corinthians rolled a 3 to stay in the field easily.

Turn 5, the Thebans continued to kick Corinthian butt, resulting in another unit breaking and another unit shaken.
The Corinthians need to bolster their courage with some wine from the Peleponnese. Liquid courage is better than none at all...
Turn 5 concludes with both sides removing a Disorder on one Unit, and the Corinthians rolling a '4' to remain in the field.

Turn 6, the Corinthians lose another unit, but finally broke a Theban. Both rally off a Disorder and then the Thebans roll a '6' to easily stay on the field - all praise to the bravery from Bacchus!

Finally, on Turn 7, the Thebans break a fifth Corinthian while their other Novice Unit was also broken. Fantastically, both sides fail their army break point!  The Thebans had to roll a '1' [success!] and the Corinthians needed a high roll to stick around but rolled a '2'.  In any event, on Points, the result was a minor Victory for the Thebans - failing army morale cost them a Major victory they richly deserved!

What a buncha fun!

The cards presented additional possibilities that can matter but don't dominate the game. I was pretty busy with the rules so forgot to play three of them.

The disordered advance of the phalanxes during this period was pretty exciting, and not orderly or boring at all. This is the somewhat wilder period of hoplite warfare, when disciplined, professional phalanxes were less common than those that charged forward wildly, somewhat disorganized. This was definitely accomplished by the rules, witness the pic for turn 1 with the widely spread hoplite Units, and Turn 4 which has a lot of yellow disordered markers.

The aesthetic of the square grid spaces resulted in the Units appearing more spread out on the table than they were in movement speed. I didn't like the wide spread, and could see using rectangular spaces just for the sake of visual appeal.

Overall, I really liked this free set for its flavorful ambiance and highly structured approach that was evocative of the limits of hoplite phalanxes. While there were some issues with mechanics, there were none that stopped the flow of the game or that impacted the game enough to change an outcome. 

The bottom line is that altho the Corinthians managed to be more orderly at impact The Thebans edged them out in the combat dice rolls.

Will be playing again, soon, but simply MUST make a QRS or condensed set of the rules so I don't have to page around so much. The good news is I'm looking forward to another Tearless Hoplite Battle!

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Terrain List for One-Hour Wargames scenarios

Here's the list I have compiled.  If there's any corrections, please LMK!

From this post is the short summary:  

And here's the list in full [color coded]

One-Hour Wargames: All Needed Terrain

1.       2-Level 6x12” Hill x 2

2.       2-Level 6x12” Hill, 6’ of road

3.       2-Level 6x12” Hill, 6x6” wood, 3’ of river2 bridges

4.       2-Level 6x12” Hill, 6x12” wood, 3’ of road

5.       2-Level 6x12” Hill, 6x6” wood, 3’ ea. of river and road, 1 bridge

6.       2-Level 6x12” Hill, 3’ of road

7.       2-Level 6x12” Hill, 2-Level 18x12” Hill, 6x6” wood

8.       2-Level 18x12” Hill, 6x6” wood, 3’ of road

9.       2-Level 6x12” Hill, 6x6” wood, 6x6” town, 3’ ea. of river and road, 1 bridge, 1 Ford

10.   2-Level 12x12” Hill [impassible”], 12x12” wood, 6x6” town, 3’ of road

11.   12x12” wood, 6x6” Swamp,6’ of road

12.   2-Level 6x12” Hill,  6x6” town, 3’ ea. of river and road, 1 bridge, 1 Ford

13.   2-Level 6x12” Hill, 12x12” wood, 3’ of road

14.   2-Level 6x12” Hill, 12x12” wood, 6x6” town, 3’ of road

15.   12x12” wood, 6x6” town [“fortification”] x2

16.   2-Level 6x12” Hill, 6x12” wood, 6x6” town, 3’ of road

17.   2-Level 6x12” Hill

18.   6x6” town, 3’ ea. of river and road, 1 bridge, 2 Fords

19.   6x12” wood, 3’ ea. of river and road, 1 bridge, 1 Ford

20.   2-Level 6x12” Hill, 6x6” wood x2, 3’ of river2 Fords

21.   2-Level 12x12” Hill, 1.5’ of road, 1.5’ of swamp [3” wide], 6x6” town

22.   2-Level 6x12” Hill, 36x12” wood, 6x6” town [“fortification”]

23.   2-Level 6x12” Hill, 6x6” wood x3, 8x8” town, 3’ ea. of river and road, 1 bridge, 2 Fords

24.   12x12” wood, 12x12” Swamp, 3’ of road

25.   2-Level 6x12” Hill, 12x12” wood, 3’ of road

26.   2-Level 6x12” Hill, 6x6” wood, 6x12” wood x2, 3’ ea. of river and road, 1 bridge

27.   6’ of road

28.   2-Level 18x12” Hill, 6x6” town, 3’ of road

29.   2-Level 18x12” Hill

30.   2-Level 18x12” Hill, 6x12” wood, 8x8” town, 3’ ea. of river and road, 1 bridge, 1 Ford


Roads & Rivers: 3” width – could model narrower with cleared berms and banks

·         4 HILLS: 2-Level 6x12” Hill x 2, 2-Level 18x12” Hill, 2-Level 12x12” Hill [“rough”],

·         6 WOODS: 6x6” wood x3, 6x12” woodx2, 12x12” wood,

·         2 x 6x6” towns, 8x8´town, 6’ of road, 2x Bridges, 2xFords

·         3’ of river6x6” Swamp, 6x12” Swamp, 12x12” Swamp

Obviously, some terrain pieces could be built up from two-three others, like making a 12x12” wood from 2 6x6” woods and one 12x6” wood, for example. There are a couple of scenarios with a 24”x 6” Hill but the 18” long one will do just as well, or you can put together the two 6x12” Hills, you’ll just have a saddle in the center. There’s also a giant woods in one scenario, 1’x3’, but probably best done by marking the line of the table with string/yarn, and distributing the 4 Woods into the space.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Hoplimania! Busting thru Painting Funk with Xyston...

This set of rules, and plentiful classical studies began the Hoplite Obsession. Especially the "Hoplomachia" rules by The Perfect Captain [website in the wayback machine, but the IO group is still chugging along]. They are a great example of what rules look like when they are tailored to a specific era, in this case the Peloponnesian War, or 460 BC to 360 BC -ish. 

I was led to them by fellow gamer Steve Turn, who may or may not still have his hoplite armies [worth checking]. We played a few times and tried to sell the concept to one of the local clubs, but that didn't take off.  Would've loved to see them in 25mm. Steve created the entire sanides and all the gaming widgets - I have yet to.

Below is most of the figures in various stages of near-completion, all Xyston. Just enough for some modest battles, perhaps a scuffle between two neighboring cities, or a small expedition.
Why has this project languished...??  I've no idea.  Partly, I forgot how far along it was - it is well over half finished at this stage. Partly, I was annoyed at how the Xyston figs got painted by a painting service. Some had excellent detail work, but the priming [I'm guessing] was too thick and obscured some of the lovely detail on the faces and such. At one point I sold all extra mint blisters and just stuck it in a closet. I've tried to revive it a few times, but not succeeded until now.

Maybe I shouldn't have used an opaque tool box to store it in?  My 15mm Romans have similarly disappeared in an odd box in the closet shelf of my office. They will be next...

Inevitably, I did a re-draft of the Hoplomachia rules which needed a bunch of editing, just for clarity and brevity's sake. Cut them down from 30+ pp to around 20. I am giving the rules a few days off and will face them again soon.

The research pile is very healthy, with some great new acquisitions or library loans [my new policy is that unless I will study and mark it up, if it is at the library I don't buy the book...I've noticed they don't like my notes and comments, erudite and insightful as they must be...]. 
- My copy of Thucydides is from high school [so 35 years old?] and just baring holding together. 
- Lost Battles and Legion rules by Prof. Phillip Sabin [very interesting read and the rules look good also - got a great review by my favorite BGG-er Marco Arnaudo]
- Kagan's "The Peloponnesian War" which is just great - I did buy it as it will be a great reference to mark up.
- "Men of Bronze", "Soldiers and Ghosts" both nice finds - MoB is very crunch history, S&G is a bit easier reading.
- "The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare" must surely be the present best work on the subject. Reading the Greek sections makes me feel like I am up to date on the latest revelations and latest thinking about ancient warfare. Shame these books are in the hundreds of dollars!  Grateful the library can get them!
- Hanson "The Wars of the Ancient Greeks" is a nice thematic overview.
- Ospreys, of course!  The Greek Hoplite - Elite is very helpful.
Also, I joined the "Lost Battles" IO group, and have found it a great place to discuss niggling questions about ancient warfare in general, and even some wargaming. Great bunch of smart chaps... why'd they let me join??

So, what's on the table? 

Six bases of Theban Hoplites:

Eight bases of Lakedaimonian hoplites [not Spartiates, necessarily, Spartan neighbors] - painted, need basing.

Another 10 bases of mercenary or panhellenic hoplites - need basing.

Another seven bases of mixed hoplites...need spears and transfers. They could be generic, or end up as Thebans or Lakedaimonians - maybe they will  finish a base or two here and there. 

14 more bases of Panhellenic or mercenary hoplites. Need re-basing...
They came out pretty well, however. Overall, lotsa variety from the Vedi Vidi Vici decals, altho there are no doubt much fancier ones out there by now.
There are several decals I like here, including the Green Man, the horse and the pegasus, and the running legs above. Below, the owl and the eye are nice.
Below, the Athenian face to far right is very nice, as is the stylized snake.

That's 45 bases of Hoplites total, plus another three with generals factored in, not to mention markers and independent general stands. Call it 48 stands altogether.

At two deep - my minimum - it's 24 stands of 8 Hoplite figs on a 40mm frontage. Two of them can be used for Ancient and Medieval Warfare games [12 Units], and three are a suitable frontage for One-Hour Wargames [8 Units]. In Hoplomachia, it is 24 lochoi which is 12 a side for 3-5 Units each, just enough.

In the steel tool box - which holds all the magnets, are families [ pun intended], Hellenic peltastes to the front, and I'm guessing Gepid archers for Athens behind?  Just four horsemen, not many.

Pretty sure the red-cloaked fellows are Spartan psiloi. In front, more peltastes.

Two units of Thracian peltastes backed up by Hellenic psiloi. Need to put some more transfers on - I have the faces and a few others I like.

On a side note - there's too many dudes with brown hair!  Need more with black hair. I don't think there were many fair-haired types in Ancient Greece.

Four stands of Thessalian light cavalry. The form rhomboids when lined up!

Two stands of heavy cav, two stands of Spartan or Lakedaimonian cavalry.

All in all, ten bases of cavalry, which is about 3-5 units, enough for any of my games - cavalry isn't a big part of most Greek armies.

The lights are more important: with 8 stands of psiloi [and another 8 of camp followers], I am a bit light on psiloi, will have to work on that. But there's plenty of peltasts, 12 bases and 8 of Thracians, who are a tribal sort of peltast. Overall, I have a reasonable amount of lights, especially since I'm more focused on the hoplites and the phalanx clash. While I enjoy working with lights, they are similar to almost any other period's lights.

With the 24 double-based hoplites 10 cavalry bases, and 36 bases of lights, I will be able to play the period in just about any of the rule sets I want to try out - but most of all Hoplomachia. 

The last 24 figs are cleaned, primed and ready for an experiment: White primer v. Black primer with White Drybrush. As they are generals and personalities of various kinds, they will also get the best treatment for clothing [well, not the Spartans]. It'll be interesting to see if there's any difference either in the process or final product.

Having obtained a few more books since I last worked on these seriously, I will probably do a little more painting of small details on the hoplites and fix up a few hair colors, work on some contrasts with various belts and other details. A bunch of the helmets have mold lines, which annoys the heck out of me, especially since the line gets emphasized by dry-brushing and dipping, two of my painting techniques! These will have to be filed down and re-painted.

One important thing - I painted a lot of the shield rims and left the shields bronze. I think it was that the rims were bronze and the shield was painted or not even bronze but leather!  Too late for a bunch of these guys - I'm not re-doing decals!  But I will need to read up on this and check again.

Finally, I have to mix up another batch of miracle dip - a bit thinner for these 15mm fellows, and with a black contrast to show the strong Mediterranean sun. Then I will have to dip the lot.

Soon as the order of bases arrives from Litko, I will need to spray those so they can thoroughly dry out, not to mention that they need ideal weather conditions.

Well, at least one more project is moving forward and will be game ready for this fall - very exciting!  Makes me think about my Republican Romans and Gauls...

Friday, August 5, 2022

More Fighting in the Dark - two playtests

The development of NT's "Ancient and Medieval Warfare" continues, with rule changes based upon the last playtest [CLICK]. Some are based upon my understanding of war in this period, and some are based upon my design goal:
"The most interesting, realistic tactical choices with the least amount of effort." 

Realistic in this context means that it plays like the best we know and theorize regarding large ancient battles, where a MU is about 1000 Infantry, 500 Cavalry or 250 Lights.

I already have a smaller level unit game I spun off "One-Hour Wargames". That has units of about 300 / 100 / 50 or so.

My poor battered book is still not spiral bound, and the Dark Age rule section has fallen does lay flat now that its spine is broke!

Armed with many hopes for a challenging battle with the core mechanics, I also used a very simple spin on the DBA pip system [still the best C&C mechanism for the least effort, evah!], rolling a d3 each for two "generals" a side.

The table has a little less terrain - a gentle but sizable hill at top, a small woods to the bottom left, and a larger woods to the right.

This time the Britons have mobility and missiles on each flank, with the center held by Infantry that can use Shieldwall [much better save, but slow]. 

Below, the Light Cavalry is stacked on the left, followed by an Infantry and an Archer to hold the hill but also weaken the attack with missiles. To the right are two more Infantry, one up front and one as a reserve.

Four Infantry make up the center: three Average sloggers and one heavier [bigger  shields - they are "former Romans"]. All can form Shieldwall. The Elite Heavy Cavalry and Light Infantry [bow] will hold the flank and threaten or harass if needed.

Opposing them, the German left has Light Infantry [bow] who will use the woods in front of them as a secure base from which to threaten the Briton Light Cavalry. Next to them is an Archer Unit, which can easily out-shoot the Light Cavalry. The next two units are Warbands - fast and hit hard but they don't form Shieldwall. Behind them is the Elite Heavy Cavalry - they don't hit harder, but they have mobility and medium armor. 

Plan is to advance, drive off the Light Cavalry, shoot up the hill and take it with the Warbands - easy!
The German right has two tribes of allies - Franks perhaps - for five more units of Infantry. All can form Shieldwall, and the one on the right with the star flag is Elite with Medium Armor, so a better save. They will slog forward and pin the Britons down while the Warband storm the hill!

As always, it seems, the Germans roll higher and get the first turn. They advance quickly and seize the woods with their lights, while everyone moves forward as fast as possible. To the right, a unit of Infantry is planning to contest the woods against the Light Infantry [bow]. We will see how that goes...

Turn 2. The Germans continue to advance, while the Britons work their Light Cavalry aggressively, getting some good shots in against one Warband, along with the Archers on the hill. They are using their mobility to good effect, threatening, shooting, and disrupting the best German attacking units.

Turn 3. The Warband continue with their reckless advance, while their heavy cavalry and Archers keep the Light Cavalry busy. The left has become spread out due to the Archers being a "stand and shoot" type of unit, while the Warband and Heavy Cavalry are mobile attack units. Hadn't thought about the movement rates when I set this up...
Altho they've taken some hits, the Light Cavalry are easily able to handle the Heavy Cavalry thanks to their mobility - mainly the ease with which they Turn. Taking several Hits, the Heavy Cavalry lost a base but passed morale...
...and were pushed back several inches, breaking contact.

After the hot mess with the cavalry, the situation further deteriorated as the Warband rolled poorly and had little impact on any of the Briton defenders. 
After another turn I called the game - the Germans had lost most of their striking power, failed to dent the Briton defenses, and would most likely end up with their shieldwalls to the right being outflanked and encircled.

Lesson learned - deploy with movement rates in mind and keep everyone together. This means that slow shooting units like Archers need time to do their job before the faster hard-hitting units go in. Also, do not advance PAST enemy Light Cavalry, assuming your support units will handle them - they may not handle them fast enough for your plan to survive very long.

Overall, the rules played fine - I need to pay more attention to tactics!

Next morning, I quickly set up another game. This time, I removed the heavy Infantry unit from the Britons and replaced it with a second Archer unit to see how their "massed" shooting would work out. Supporting them to the right was the same Light Infantry [bow] unit. In the center were all four Infantry, with the Light Cavalry out in the center trying to make trouble. The Heavy Cavalry were in reserve, and responded to the flanking threat of the German Light Infantry [bow] to the left. The Warbands were stacked up and intending to spread out and attack the hill with missile support. But the threat of Light Cavalry had me shifting the Archers to the center, behind the Warband attack - this maneuver attempt was a bad idea.

By the time the Warbands hit the hill, the attack was spread out. Then, the Warbands rolled poorly on their attack and were pushed back.

Below, the push by the left Infantry and the threat of the heavy cavalry have driven off the Light Cavalry, which is now pulling back through their stationary Infantry.
The Archers on the right have rolled well and are beating up the Infantry in front of them, despite their forming Shieldwall. The Germans need some intervention...
The only unit that is free is the heavy cavalry reserve.
It gets plenty of hitting power against the Archers, who also have no save. However, there are two Archer units, so one flanks the unsupported heavy cavalry, who have outdistanced their slow Infantry supports. Ugh, what a mess!

Meanwhile, at the hill, the Warbands have regained some momentum, but the Briton heavy cavalry reserve easily pushed back their Light Infantry. Having plenty of indecision already, the German Archers change direction and head left to hold off the heavy cavalry - Arthur's Knights?

On the right, the Archers numbers are helping them hold their own.

By Turn 6, the Briton heavy cavalry had chased down the Light Infantry - who escape through a woods - and are now out of the German Archers shooting arc.

Soon after, the German Heavy Cavalry are destroyed, while their Infantry slowly move up to support them.

Well, this second playtest showed another poorly executed plan by the Germans. They got distracted with Briton maneuvering and failed to make their own attack. This cost them some units and why do my Warbands keep rolling badly???

With almost half the Army destroyed or about to be, I called it another win for Britain. Clearly, Artorius was fighting and God was on his side!

The command rules were fine but I want to tweak them a bit and make it both harder for units to dance around, but to also have a bit of initiative if the general isn't telling him what to do.

The rule additions and changes were mostly good, giving better feel and making units perform how they should, IMHO.

The basic AMW platform is solid, as long as you are happy with an attrition oriented concept of how ancient battles were fought. The morale mechanic could be used a bit more without a lot of pain, but the faster attrition of weaker units is fine. 

Next up - must test with an impartial victim!